Author Archives: carson

SOAP on the Google App Engine platform

I generally don't recomend using SOAP instead of REST but I have been required to use SOAP so much now that I think it is inevitably going to be a requirement for a long time for certain projects. So when I noticed a question on stack overflow about using SOAP on the Google App Engine I thought it might be a nice exercise to see how easy it is to get fringe toolsets to work in the GAE.

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4 pet care tips to help you keep your dog happy & healthy

To keep your dog healthy, you need to address their emotional and physical needs consistently. Your pup will need grooming, nutrition, food, shelter, and water. You also have to take into account your dog’s health. In this article, we explore some of the top pet care tips for your dog to help keep them happy and healthy.

High-Quality Nutrition

Your dog should have high-quality nutrition, whether at home or in pet daycare. You should avoid commercial foods that use meat by-products or fillers. Such additives will cut down the diet’s nutritional value. The food should contain the basic elements of nutrients that a dog needs. That includes carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and water. If you’re taking your pup for pet daycare, you should inform the boarding service of any special diet requirements.

Quality Grooming for Your Dog

Keeping your pup’s coat clean is one of the essential elements of their physical and mental well-being. Depending on their type of coat, their fur will have to be trimmed from time to time for good hygiene. Long coats can irritate your dog, and if their coat is around their face and eyes it can block their line of vision.

You should also ensure you trim their nails to keep them from growing long and uncomfortable. Be careful not to cut the inner part, as this can be painful for your pooch. If you don’t have the time, you can find a local pet care service to assist you with their grooming. For more professional tips visit

Provide Exercise

Exercise is beneficial for your pup’s physical and psychological health. Without it, your dog may show signs of restlessness like barking, digging, or chewing. It is especially important for 70% of apartment renters’ who own pets to constantly walk their dogs as they may not have a yard where the dog can run around. Different dogs have varying exercise requirements so be sure to talk to your vet about your dog’s exercise needs.

When you take your pup to a pet daycare, ensure they have adequate provision for exercise for the breed. Local dog boarding services can offer playtime and daily walks to keep your pet healthy. It can be a convenient solution when you don’t have time to care for your furry friend.

Visit a Veterinarian

A veterinarian can advise you on different aspects of taking care of your pup. Your pet may need vaccinations, and a professional is in the best position to educate you on what’s required to keep your dog healthy. A veterinarian will evaluate your dog’s health and may provide vaccinations, treatments, and check-ups. They can also give you advice on grooming as well as pet daycare.

Your dog needs routine attention every day in the form of exercise and socialization. However, it can be tricky to give your dog the regular exercise and socialization they need to be happy and healthy. After all, you need to work. Fortunately, pet daycares can provide your dog with the regular exercise they need. To learn more about our pet daycare services, contact Eastern Shore Pet Resort today.

PowerDNS Makes Custom DNS Backends Easy

I ran into PowerDNS recently when I needed to find a DNS server that would allow me to produce custom responses to domain queries. I needed to have a request for a DNS entry return a different IP depending on some factors in a database and I needed that data to always be accurate (not cached locally). I found that PowerDNS allows for a lot of customization and I ended up using its piped backend for dynamic queries feature.

With this level of customization you can do things like write your own DNS black list, track who is making DNS requests, give out IP addresses based on a servers availability or use geographic information to return a different IP.

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C# custom SOAP header

While working on an SOAP service I needed to create a number of clients for different languages. This would normally not be that big of a challenge except that the SOAP service had custom headers for doing authentication. Because of the complexity in setting up Axis to use WS-Security the choice was made to do authentication by adding a few out of band SOAP header values. The first few implementations went fine but then I came to C# and had a problem.

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FreeRADIUS with Oracle

I recently needed to find a RADIUS server for use in a project where I could stick profile data into Oracle. I remembered seeing FreeRADIUS a while back so I checked to see if it was active and supported Oracle. Sure enough it did. It was a little tricky to set up because some of the documentation is out of sync with the latest version so here is what you need to know to get it working.

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Spiffing up JFreeChart charts

I recently was given a copy of ChartFX for Java to evaluate as a charting solution for a Java project. After using it for a while it seemed nice despite having some odd ways of doing things that I think come from it originally being a C# and VB product. After playing with it for a while I decided to see if I could get JFreeChart charts to look the same way. As it turns out it wasn't that hard.

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Examples of why netcat is still useful

I recently got a new work PC and was worried that stuck somewhere in the 40G hard drive of the old PC was something I would one day need. The new PC had 300G of space so I figured I would just copy the entire drive over and keep it forever. This isn't the most difficult task in the world and I actually started out using ssh to transfer the image.

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