This Jetpack allows you to browse Google Reader posts that you have starred. I created it because I found myself starring posts that I wanted to read outside of Google Reader because the embeds didn’t function correctly, the full post wasn’t in the RSS feed, the post layout didn’t look correct, etc… My habit was to star the interesting posts and then go through them all in one sweep opening them in tabs under Firefox. This Jetpack now lets me do the same thing but without having to open tabs for each. Instead I can just navigate the posts from the toolbar.
First you will need to install the Jetpack plugin if you haven’t already. Once you have the Jetpack plugin installed there should be a link above alerting you to install this Starred Post Browser Jetpack.
Once you have the Starred Post Browser Jetpack installed you should see a new set of icons on your toolbar:
If you are not currently logged into Google Reader you will need to log in before the toolbar is usable. Once you are logged in you are ready to use the toolbar. The following guide will get you started on using the different toolbar buttons:
Some other things to take note of:
- The toolbar is live all the time and tracks the last action you took. This means that you may click a link that takes you away from the current post but the toolbar still sees you as reading the last post. This allows you to un-star the post at any time or move on to the next post in the list without first having to return to the previous post or refresh back to the last post.
- The toolbar does not refresh data from Google Reader unless you ask it to or the browser is restarted. This allows you to navigate back to posts you have previously un-starred and re-star them if you want.