Tag Archives: linux

Minimal EC2 Linux Install Using TTYLinux

If you have ever wondered how to get a Linux EC2 node down to the bare minimum this post is for you. I have been wanting to do this for a long time but it wasn’t possible until pv-grub support that was added recently. To make this even more exciting Amazon now offers EC2 micro instances that will go well with this type of bare bones system.

You may wonder why you would want to do this. I’ll give you at least two reasons. First there is speed. The configuration I ended up with will boot in about 14 seconds. Almost all of that time is spent waiting on the AWS DHCP server for an IP address. The second reason is security. There is little on this system that you don’t need. The majority of what you need is provided by a single application that you can easily monitor for patches. That leaves you to worry about only the tools you must have to get your job done. I’ll also include a couple downsides. First this isn’t going to be easy for everyone and it can be fairly complicated. The second issue you will run into is that there is nothing in this distribution. If you need something like PHP you might spend a long time building all the support you need. There isn’t much to be done about the complexity if you want to do this all yourself. Selection of tools can help you lessen the impact of the bare nature of the system, more on that in a future post.

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How to Build and Compile a Custom Linux Kernel for EC2

I have a long running goal that I’m trying to reach with all these pv-grub for EC2 posts. That goal is to find the smallest/tightest usable node that can be created for EC2. The next step in that path requires a custom Linux kernel. What follows is how to build the latest Linux kernel so that it works on EC2 using pv-grub.

It is important to have a recent kernel since most of what is needed to get a kernel to work on EC2 is now incorporated into the source. These instructions assume the latest kernel is and I’ve used them with 2.6.35 as well but keep that in mind since the one patch that is required could eventually be merged in. Before getting started it may help to read over how to compile the Linux kernel normally and then my post on running CentOS 5.5 on EC2 using pv-grub.

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Installing Cent OS 5.5 on EC2 with the Cent OS 5.5 Kernel

Amazon recently introduced the ability to boot a custom kernel using pv-grub on EC2. This opens the door for all kinds of interesting ideas that I’ve been thinking about for a while, like seeing if I can boot right into a web server and skip all that extra junk that comes with Linux distributions, but that is just me. The main door it is going to open for most people interested in EC2 will be the ability to upgrade the kernel that comes with their distribution. That brings us to how to install Cent OS 5.5 on EC2 and use the kernel that is part of the distribution.

For those who might just be interested in booting a custom kernel using EC2 pv-grub I will try to produce a few more posts with more details on that but for now here are the main things to know:

  • The pv-grup kernels named with hd00 will look on the first partition of the registered device in the /boot/boot/grub directory for a menu.lst file. Use this type of kernel if you create want to use a partitioned disk.
  • The pv-grup kernels named with hd0 will look on the registered device in the /boot/grub directory for a menu.lst file. Use this type of kernel if you don’t have a partition on your disk.
  • You won’t get anything meaningful back from the boot attempt if your grub menu.lst file is in the wrong place or is not valid. See the end of the post for what a pv-grub error message looks like and some tips on what to do if you see it.
  • The kernel you use does matter but the current mainline Linux kernel (2.6.35) contains everything you need except for a small change to turn off XSAVE. The main thing to know is that not every distribution may have made the change needed to work on EC2.
  • I have tried non-Linux kernels to no avail. See the end of the post for a little more information.

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Developing Adobe Air Apps with Linux

I finally found a little project I wanted to do using Adobe Air and after some searching I found out you can use Linux to develop Air applications. At first I thought I would have to use Flex Builder which is still in alpha for Linux but it turns out there is a better option from Aptana.

The Aptana Air plugin supports developing Adobe Air applications using HTML and Javascript. It even support the 2.0 release of Air that is currently in beta. Aptana uses the Eclipse framework as an editor so if you are familure with Eclipse it will be even easier to use.

I started by downloading and installing the latest version of the Air runtime. Next I grabbed the Air SDK, the SDK doesn’t come with the plugin so it is something you have to get directly from the Air developers site. After getting the SDK unpacked I installed the latest Aptana core release. Once the core is installed there is a big plugin button on the startup screen that currently has Air listed.

The install went smoothly except for a few issues. The first one I ran into was very noticeable since it kept any dialog buttons from working when they were clicked although they did work when I clicked them and then hit enter or navigated to them with the keyboard. Luckily someone has already figured out that there is an issue with Eclipse and GTK+ that is the cause (even though the post is for Ubuntu the same problem and solution worked for me on Fedora). The fix is to set the GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS variable before running the Aptana binary:

GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true; AptanaStudio

The next thing I noticed was the application.xml descriptor that Aptana created didn’t generate correctly. It needs to start with the correct xmlns or the following error will be thrown on run: “invalid application descriptor: descriptor version does not match runtime version”. To fix this check the version of the Air SDK by running the following command:

./adt -version
adt version ""

For the version of the Air SDK I downloaded the correct xmlns was http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.5 so I needed the following application tag:

<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.5">

Once I had that working I was able to compile and execute a demo application. I was also able to create an Air application package from within Aptana using File > Export > Adobe AIR > Adobe AIR Package. Before creating the Air package I had to create a signing certificate. Creating the certificate can be done within Aptana too but because I had not yet fixed the above button issue I created a cert on the command line with the Air SDK and then imported it. To create the Air signing certificate from the command line I used the adt command from the SDK:

adt -certificate -cn SelfSigned 1024-RSA sampleCert.pfx samplePassword

Remember the password that gets used to generate the certificate because it will have to be used before a package is signed.

Finally Adobe has a lot of information on developing Air applications on their Air devnet site. The Air ajax section is especially important.

Upgrade to Fedora 12 from Fedora 11

Fedora 12 was just released and it is time to upgrade again of course. I almost thought this was going to be a version to yawn at but then I saw that there was going to be a new version of Fedora based on Moblin and it seemed exciting again. Of course that isn’t the only thing being upgraded in the latest version of Fedora. Some of the more notable changes in this version:

You can find the complete list of Fedora 12 enhancements as well if you want more details.

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Upgrading to Fedora 11 from Fedora 10

It is time again to upgrade if you are using Fedora. Fedora 11 was released a few days ago and contains some nice enhancements.

For people who can a complete re-install is probably best. One reason for that is the inclusion of ext4 in Fedora11. You won’t get the benefit of ext4 unless you do a fresh install or upgrade from ext3 to ext4. If you read the upgrade guide that Fedora produces it recommends not doing an upgrade.

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FreeRADIUS with Oracle

I recently needed to find a RADIUS server for use in a project where I could stick profile data into Oracle. I remembered seeing FreeRADIUS a while back so I checked to see if it was active and supported Oracle. Sure enough it did. It was a little tricky to set up because some of the documentation is out of sync with the latest version so here is what you need to know to get it working.

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Examples of why netcat is still useful

I recently got a new work PC and was worried that stuck somewhere in the 40G hard drive of the old PC was something I would one day need. The new PC had 300G of space so I figured I would just copy the entire drive over and keep it forever. This isn’t the most difficult task in the world and I actually started out using ssh to transfer the image.

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A lesson in on the limits of administrating your way out of problems: Shared MySQL

I just finished reading a post to the Media Temple blog about their MySQL problems . I think it is an excellent example of what happens when you only have one side of the house trying to fix a problem. The post leaves out some details but they make it clear that they believe their problems were caused by badly written apps hammering the database. It sounds like they tried very hard to fix the issues on the hardware and MySQL side but couldn’t so have switched the way they are provisioning the database systems to more isolate the problem sites. The moral of that story is that even when you are smart you can’t always fix software problems on the systems side.

The Media Temple guys don’t go into any great detail on their current shared MySQL system but I would think that if nothing else they ran into the problems listed in this post: performance of complex queries. At some point you just have too many people trying to hit your database for any one person to achieve efficiency.

[tags]mysql, administration[/tags]