I recently needed to find a RADIUS server for use in a project where I could stick profile data into Oracle. I remembered seeing FreeRADIUS a while back so I checked to see if it was active and supported Oracle. Sure enough it did. It was a little tricky to set up because some of the documentation is out of sync with the latest version so here is what you need to know to get it working.
Tag Archives: Oracle
Using Oracle Instant Client and SQLPlus
Some time ago Oracle introduced their Instant Client as an alternative to needing a full install of the Oracle client to run your own apps or SQLPlus. I’ve been putting the Instant Client to good use these days and figured I would give a quick howto on getting it set up.
How to get the next date for a weekday using Oracle
If you ever need to find the next weekday from a given date in Oracle it turns out they have a built in function for doing just that. If you want the next Sunday from yesterday you would do:
[code lang=”sql”]
Valid entries for the day are: SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, and SAT
[tags]Oracle, SQL[/tags]
SQL Beautifier
I pulled a large amount of SQL out of some existing code and wanted to have it formated nicely for me. I figured there had to be some type of pretty printer for SQL available outside of applications like TOAD. I have access to TOAD but it would have required a reboot so I figured I would ask google what to do. There seem to be a number of different formaters out there. I found a couple people talking about current options a list here and here. The following list is a summary of the options I found:
I decided that since SQLInform was mentioned a lot I would give it a try. I was suprised at how well it did. I gave it a huge amount of SQL to re-format and it gave it back to me formated. There is a limit on how much you can ask it to format at once but that shouldn’t be a big issue. I didn’t see that it choked on anything that I gave it and there were all kinds of nasty things going on in the SQL.
One interesting thing to come from this is that it seems there are no open source or truely free unix based formaters out there. It seems like it would be easy enough to get going since the SQL grammar is available for a number of different parser generators.
[tags]SQL, TOAD, SQLInform[/tags]
Converting unix or java timestamps (time since the epoch) to real dates with Oracle
A few days ago I made use of a couple Oracle built in functions and it made me happy I didn’t have to write a stored proc or some type of mini-app to do it. I needed to parse a timestamp out of a field that was put there by a java program. The timestamp was just the output of System.currentTimeInMillis() and was concatenated onto some other information.
It took a little digging to find out how to convert a epoch style timestamp but here it is:
[code lang=”sql”]select new_time( to_date(‘01011970’, ‘ddmmyyyy’) + 1/24/60/60 * :currenttimeinmillis/1000, ‘GMT’, ‘EDT’ ) from dual[/code]
Note that I convert the output from GMT to EDT here.
[tags]java, oracle[/tags]
Ruby Oracle DBI ActiveRecord in 7 steps
Setting up ruby to work with Oracle seems to be a pain for a lot of people. Here are the steps I follow to set it up on a linux box from nothing to Active Record or DBI in 7 steps.
Fun with Oracle Strings
Today I needed to find a way to count the number of unique email domains in a table. I figured there was a way of getting the index of a string in another string and sure enough there is. This did the trick in Oracle:
[code lang=”sql”]select count(1), SUBSTR(email, INSTR(email, ‘@’, 1, 1)+1) from SOMETABLE group by SUBSTR(email, INSTR(email, ‘@’, 1, 1)+1) order by count(1) desc[/code]
The INSTR function gives you the location in a string where another string is located. See the following link for more on the INSTR function: http://www.techonthenet.com/oracle/functions/instr.php
I’ve always found the way Oracle handles case interesting. It looks like they are changing things a little starting with 10G: http://blogs.ittoolbox.com/database/solutions/archives/005951.asp