Tag Archives: s3

iPhone Windowed HTTP Live Streaming Using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront Proof of Concept

This post should be seen as a proof of concept. I’m working on creating a more concise and easier to use package of everything covered here but I felt like getting the knowledge out sooner rather than later would be of help to people looking for a way to do this. If you are interested keep an eye on the HTTP live video stream segementer and distributor project page as well as the github git repository.

After my post on using FFMpeg and an open source segmenter to create videos for the iPhone that conform to the HTTP live streaming protocol I decided to see if I could get the same segmenter to work on a live stream. As it turns out it didn’t take much modification to work.

If you are looking for something you can buy out of the box it appears that Akamai is doing iPhone video streaming now. I believe that the following solution using Amazon S3 and Cloudfront is probably as good as what Akamai can offer but it may be a better choice if you don’t want to have to maintain the configuration.

I put together a quick diagram of the process of transferring the video stream from source to final destination that will hopefully help people understand the full picture before jumping into the details:

HTTP Live Streaming Diagram

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EC2 and NAT

Amazon just added NAT to their EC2 service. It also sounds like they will be turning the old direct addressing scheme off soon. This is probably a step towards assigning static IPs to your hosts in EC2. It may even allow you to have EC2 instances with no external IP address at all. It makes sense to not use an external IP when all you are doing is processing data from S3 and then sticking it back into S3. You can read more about the NAT change here.


Creating your own FC6 instance for EC2

I’ve been playing around with the EC2 service at Amazon and figured I would document a little about how you create your own FC6 AMI. The Amazon documentation goes over everything you need to know about creating your own FC4 AMI and if you don’t want to roll your own you can use one of the public AMIs. Amazon just started letting people publish their own AMIs on their site so you should expect to see more as time goes by.

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Creating S3 URLs that expire using PHP

After reading this post on the S3 forum I realized that other people are thinking about doing some of the same stuff I have. paolonew was looking for a way to for a way to create URLs to S3 objects that expired. I did this a while back when I was thinking about how to host objects that I wanted to protect with some outside scheme. The confusion on the forum seemed to be about the timestamps used to expire the URL. For PHP it is fairly easy.

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