BlackBerry screen and icon sizes

For some reason the old link I had that contained display dimensions for BlackBerry devices is resulting in a 404 now. When you are doing BlackBerry development it is nice to be able to go to one page that just shows you the screen sizes instead of having to look at each device page so I don’t know why they removed this page. After looking around a little I couldn’t find a consolidated list that has just screen sizes so I figured I would put one together that replicates the old link:

BlackBerry device model Display screen size Icon image size
BlackBerry Pearl 8100 240 x 260 pixels 60 x 55 pixels Icon theme
48 x 36 pixels Zen theme
BlackBerry 7100 Series 240 x 260 pixels 60 x 55 pixels Icon theme
48 x 36 pixels Zen theme
BlackBerry Pearl 8220 240 x 320 pixels 46 x 46 pixels
BlackBerry Curve 8300 320 x 240 pixels 53 x 48 pixels Icon theme
48 x 36 pixels Zen theme
BlackBerry Curve 8900 480 x 360 pixels Unknown
BlackBerry 8800 Series 320 x 240 pixels 53 x 48 pixels Icon theme
48 x 36 pixels Zen theme
BlackBerry 8700 Series 320 x 240 pixels 53 x 48 pixels Icon theme
48 x 36 pixels Zen theme
BlackBerry Bold 9000 480 x 320 pixels 80 x 80 pixels
BlackBerry Storm 9500 360 x 480 pixels 76 x 76 pixels Home screen
24 x 24 pixels Shortcut bar

This data comes from the BlackBerry devices page.

4 thoughts on “BlackBerry screen and icon sizes

  1. Radha

    Thanks for sharing. Extremely useful single page piece of information all UI designers like me look for!

  2. Pingback: 10 Tips for BlackBerry Development | IONCANNON

  3. carson Post author


    I think the biggest problem is they keep moving it around so it could be gone next time you for the link.

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