Tag Archives: upgrade

Upgrade to Fedora 13 from Fedora 12

After a week delay Fedora 13 has been released and it is time to upgrade of course. As always there are a decent number of features in this release but here are a few that stand out to me:

  • boot.fedoraproject.org – A small bootable image to start the install from.
  • IntelliJ IDEA – IntelliJ IDEA community edition. I’m glad to see my favorite IDE make it in along with Netbeans and Eclipse even if it is just the stripped down version.
  • Python 3 – Running along side Python 2.
  • Nouveau DisplayPort – Support for NVIDIA cards with a DisplayPort.
  • Radeon DisplayPort – Support for Radeon cards with a DisplayPort.
  • NetworkManager Command Line – A command line interface for NetworkManager. As much as I find myself hating NetworkManager maybe this will help.
  • Gnome 2.30 – The latest stable version of Gnome.
  • KDE 4.4 – The latest stable version of KDE.

Check out the Fedora 13 feature list for all the major features in this release.

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